The Masonic Lamb
The Masonic Lamb
Masons use a masonic lambskin apron. But one may ask? Why a lambskin apron?
The Masonic Lamb is a symbol of purity and innocence.
Usable Freemasons wear covers to keep articles of clothing from smudge. Speculative Freemasons wear a cover to advise us that we should avoid things that will pollute us ethically. The Bible says that we should keep ourselves plain from the world and our pieces of clothing should stay white.
James 1:26-27: The religion of this present generation is a lie if anyone among you is strict and bridles not his tongue but rather deceives his own heart.
Unadulterated religion and pure before God and the Father is this, to visit the orphan and widows in their difficulty, and to keep himself plain from the world.
James 1:21: Wherefore lay separated all messiness and pointlessness of insidiousness, and get with tameness the engrafted word, which can save your spirits.
Galatians 5:19-21: Now crafted by the tissue is shown, which is these; Adultery, sex, messiness, salacity, Idolatry, black magic, contempt, fluctuation, imitations, fury, hardship, seditions, blasphemies, envying, murders, intoxication, raveling’s, and such like: of the which I tell you previously, as I have likewise told you on schedule past, that they which do such things will not acquire the realm of God.
The Masonic Lamb
First Degree: In Ancient Masonry, the sheep was the image of guiltlessness. The primary degree has guidelines that go in this way: ‘The Lamb has consistently been a seal of honesty in all ages.’

This is the reason a freemason cover should be made of lambskin. In the levels of gallantry and progressed Freemason degrees. Among Christian iconography, the sheep represents Christ Jesus.
At the point when John the Baptist saw Jesus Christ drawing closer. He said, ‘View the Lamb of God.’ Also, the prophets of past occasions said. The Messiah would experience on the cross like a sheep under the blade of a butcher.
Paschal Lamb or the Holy Lamb of God:
The Paschal Lamb is the sheep that the Jews deal with God at the Passover or the Paschal gala. These images are also present in Templarism today, such as the Paschal Lamb, medieval Freemasonry, Christian imagery, and so on.
How the Lamb of God is being represented in Christian Art:
The Lamb of God or Paschal lamb is a Masonic symbol and a Christian symbol also known as the Agnus Dei. Christians represent the lamb as a lamb standing on a banner with a cross emblazoned on it.
The Knights Templar took on the Paschal Lamb as an image that is borne on their pennants. Moreover, The Square which it conquers is the gem of the Generalissimo of a Commandery. The Lamb is an image of the Cross, the enthusiasm of Christ, and the pennant of the Victory of Christ over hellfire and passing.
The Deed of the Knights Templar
In the Deed of the English Knights Templar which allowed arrives in Cambridge shire. The seal is the Holy Land and the arms of the expert of the Temple in London were cross aides, argent and on the nombril point thereof, a Holy Lamb on the focal point of a red cross in a white field also.
The Passover and the Sacrificial Lamb
Several pieces of the Bible refer to atonement prior to the existence of Christianity, Freemasonry, and the Knights Templar. It was first referenced in the book of Exodus. Departure was first in the Torah and later in the Bible. Mass migration was composed by Moses.
Masonic Supplies:
We have a lovely collection of Master Mason Aprons here at Masonic Supplies. We can also sell apron cases to keep your Masonic aprons safe. Masonic Regalia, Masonic Supplies, OES Regalia, Blue Lodge Regalia, Masonic Aprons, and many other items are available from Masonic Supplies.