Past Matron OES Sash C on Velvet Hand Embroidered


  • Purple Velvet Sash
  • Excellent Quality Craftsmanship
  • Professional Hand Embroidery works


Past Matron OES Sash C on Velvet Hand Embroidered

Past Matron OES Sash C on Velvet Hand Embroidered


  • Hand embroidered Sash with Gold bullion wire embroidery
  • Purple Velvet Sash
  • Excellent Quality Craftsmanship
  • Professional Hand Embroidery works
  • Chapter Number and years range embroidery works
  • P. M. and Gavel’s embroidery works on the Sash
  • OES Emblem is in different collars
  • Emblem has different logos on it
  • Good quality polyester fabric backing
  • Metallic Gold braid on Collar border
  • Past Matron OES Sash C Purple Velvet Hand Embroidered

OES Package includes:

  1. Order of the eastern star apron
  2. Order of the eastern star collar
  3. OES Sashes
  4. OES Collar Chains with backing


Hand embroidered Sash with Gold bullion wire embroidery. Purple Velvet Sash. Fringe options are available for This OES Sash. Chapter Number and years range embroidery works P.M. Start and Gavel’s embroidery work on the Sash is Given. A metallic Gold braid on the Collar border is attached. Past Matron Sash C Purple Velvet Hand Embroidered.

The Past Matron OES Sash C on Velvet Hand Embroidered is more than a mere accessory; it is a living testament to the rich history and symbolism embedded within the Order of the Eastern Star. This exploration transcends its physical form, delving into the meticulous craftsmanship, the transition from past to present, and the profound symbolism encapsulated in the velvet and hand-embroidered design.

Craftsmanship Unveiled: Velvet, Hand Embroidery, and Transitioning Textures

The journey of the Past Matron OES Sash C commences with an appreciation for the craftsmanship that adorns its very fabric. The choice of velvet, with its luxuriously soft texture, and the intricate hand embroidery together create a visual masterpiece.

Velvet’s Embrace: A Transition into Luxurious Softness

As the fingers trace the velvet surface, there’s a palpable transition into luxurious softness. Velvet, with its smooth and plush texture, becomes a tactile symbol of comfort and opulence. This transition in touch amplifies the sash’s significance beyond a mere accessory to a symbol of regal elegance.

Hand Embroidery: The Artistic Transition to Intricacy

The journey deepens as the eye explores the hand-embroidered patterns. Each stitch is a transition into intricacy, a testament to the skill and artistry involved in the sash’s creation. This handcrafted detailing elevates the sash, transforming it into a canvas of symbolism and meaning.

Symbolism in Stitches: Decoding the Hand-Embroidered Patterns

The hand-embroidered patterns on the Past Matron OES Sash C are not arbitrary; they encapsulate the symbolic language of the Eastern Star. Each stitch is a transition between visual elements that tell a story of initiation, progress, and the wisdom bestowed upon a Past Matron.

Transitioning Symbols: A Journey through Masonic and Eastern Star Imagery

The hand-embroidered symbols create a visual transition between Masonic and Eastern Star imagery. Stars, compasses, and intertwined letters become markers of transition, seamlessly weaving together the shared heritage of Freemasonry and the distinct identity of the Order of the Eastern Star.

Past to Present: A Symbolic Transition of Leadership

The embroidered insignia of a Past Matron is a pivotal symbol of transition. It signifies the completion of a term, a journey of leadership and service within the Eastern Star. As the sash is donned, it becomes a tangible representation of the transition from active leadership to an honored past role.

Historical Threads: The Evolution of OES and the Past Matron Sash

To understand the significance of the Past Matron OES Sash C, one must trace its historical threads. The sash becomes a transition point between the founding principles of the Order of the Eastern Star and its contemporary expressions.

Founding Principles: A Transition to Shared Masonic Values

The OES, rooted in Masonic values, undergoes a historical transition in its inception. The sash becomes a link to these founding principles, representing a commitment to the tenets of Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth. This historical thread, woven into the sash, connects Past Matrons with the essence of their Order’s origins.

Evolution of Design: Aesthetic Transitions Over Time

The hand-embroidered design of the sash reflects not only historical continuity but also aesthetic transitions over time. From simple symbols to intricate patterns, the sash’s design evolves, mirroring the changing expressions of the Eastern Star’s identity.

Past Matron: A Transition to Honored Leadership

The designation of Past Matron is not just a title; it signifies a transition in leadership within the Order of the Eastern Star. The Past Matron OES Sash C becomes a visual representation of this transition, carrying the weight of experience, wisdom, and dedicated service.

Symbol of Service: The Past Matron Sash as a Transition Point

As the sash drapes over the shoulder, it becomes a symbol of service and transition. Each moment spent leading becomes a thread in the fabric, woven into the sash’s design. This transition from active leadership to the role of Past Matron is a journey of dedication and contribution.

Honoring the Journey: Past Matron Sash as a Symbol of Recognition

The sash, with its hand-embroidered insignia, is a symbol of recognition for the Past Matron’s journey. It represents the transition from leading with vision and purpose to being honored for contributions made during a term of leadership.

Velvet’s Significance: A Transition from Past to Present

The choice of velvet in the Past Matron OES Sash C is not arbitrary; it holds a symbolic significance that transcends its tactile appeal. Velvet becomes a medium of transition, representing the matron’s journey from past leadership to a present role of honor.

Royal Elegance: Velvet as a Symbol of Regality

The velvet texture, with its regal connotations, becomes a symbolic transition to regality. As the Past Matron wears the sash, there’s a visual transformation into a figure of honor and respect. The velvet becomes a tangible expression of the esteemed status associated with past leadership.

Tactile Transition: Velvet’s Comfort in a Symbolic Journey

Beyond symbolism, velvet provides a tactile transition into comfort. It embodies the warmth of camaraderie and shared experiences. The sash, with its velvet touch, becomes a medium through which the past leader is enveloped in the comfort of recognition and appreciation.

Hand Embroidery: A Journey of Craftsmanship and Symbolic Transition

Hand embroidery on the sash is not merely an ornate decoration; it is a journey of craftsmanship that transitions into a symbolic language. Each embroidered detail becomes a transition point, conveying messages of wisdom, guidance, and the enduring principles of the Order.

Stitching Stories: Hand Embroidery as a Narrative Transition

The hand-embroidered patterns are not just decorative; they are narratives stitched into the fabric. Symbols of stars, crescents, and Masonic tools become storytellers, narrating the journey of initiation, progression, and the acquisition of wisdom. This transition from thread to narrative adds depth to the sash’s significance.

Symbolic Language: Embroidery as a Transition Between Symbols

The hand-embroidered symbols serve as a transition between distinct Masonic and Eastern Star symbols. Each stitch becomes a bridge, connecting the shared heritage of Freemasonry with the unique identity of the Eastern Star. This symbolic language, woven into the sash, becomes a visual transition between two worlds.

Wearing the Sash: A Transition to Symbolic Identity

As the Past Matron dons the OES Sash C, there’s a ceremonial transition from the ordinary to the extraordinary. The act of wearing the sash becomes a ritualistic transition, marking not only personal identity but also a collective acknowledgment of leadership, service, and commitment.

Ceremonial Transition: Donning the Sash as a Rite of Passage

The act of donning the sash is a ceremonial transition, a rite of passage that signifies a shift in roles. It becomes a visible proclamation of the transition from active leadership to a revered past role within the Eastern Star. The sash, in this moment, becomes a symbol of continuity and tradition.

Collective Acknowledgment: The Sash as a Symbol of Respect

Beyond personal identity, the sash becomes a symbol of collective acknowledgment. When worn, it invites a gesture of respect from fellow members, reinforcing the transition from leadership to an honored position within the Order. The sash becomes a visible cue for others to acknowledge the Past Matron’s dedicated service.

Legacy Woven in Velvet and Thread: Passing the Sash Through Generations

The Past Matron OES Sash C becomes more than an individual’s accessory; it transforms into a legacy passed through generations. The sash, with its velvet touch and hand-embroidered symbols, becomes a tangible connection between past, present, and future leaders within the Eastern Star.

Generational Transition: Handing Down the Sash with Honor

The act of passing down the sash is a generational transition, an honorable tradition within the Eastern Star. The velvet and hand-embroidered symbols carry not only the weight of craftsmanship but also the legacy of leadership and service. This transition from one set of shoulders to another becomes a sacred ritual within the Order.

Continuity in Thread: The Sash as a Symbol of Enduring Tradition

The hand-embroidered patterns, with each passing of the sash, symbolize continuity. The thread that weaves through the fabric becomes a metaphor for the unbroken line of leadership within the Eastern Star. This symbolic transition reinforces the enduring tradition and commitment to the principles of the Order.

Conclusion: The Past Matron OES Sash C – A Symbolic Tapestry of Transition

In conclusion, the Past Matron OES Sash C, with its velvet texture and hand-embroidered symbols, is a symbolic tapestry of transition within the Order of the Eastern Star. From the craftsmanship that adorns its fabric to the symbolic language woven into each stitch, the sash represents more than a transition in leadership—it encapsulates a journey of dedication, service, and enduring tradition. As Past Matrons don the sash, they become bearers of a legacy, seamlessly transitioning between the past, present, and the legacy they pass on to future leaders within the Eastern Star. The sash stands not just as an accessory but as a living testament to the shared values, history, and ongoing commitment of its wearers to the principles of the Order of the Eastern Star.

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Additional information

Sash Direction

Left Shoulder to Right Hip, Right Shoulder to Left Hip

Sash Size

76, 78, 80, 82, 84, 86, 88, 90

Shoulder Width

10 inches / 25.5 cm, 11 inches / 28 cm


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