Past Grand Patron OES Collar


  • Purple / Navy Blue Collar velvet borders
  • Bullion Wire fringe outside the collar
  • Excellent Quality Craftsmanship
SKU: LR-OES-1805


Past Grand Patron Order of the Eastern Star OES Collar

Past Grand Patron Order of the Eastern Star OES Collar


  • Hand embroidered Collar with Gold and Silver bullion wire embroidery.
  • Purple / Navy Blue Collar velvet borders
  • Bullion Wire fringe outside the collar
  • Excellent Quality Craftsmanship
  • Professional Hand Embroidery works
  • Eastern Star emblem on the Collar
  • Emblem has different logos on it
  • Good quality polyester fabric backing
  • Top Quality Bullion Wire fringe on the collar
  • Past Grand Patron Order of the Eastern Star OES Collar
  • The product is the mason’s symbol
  • We accept custom orders Free

Order OES Package to get a discount.

OES Package includes:

  1. Order of the eastern star apron
  2. Order of the eastern star collar
  3. OES Sashes
  4. OES Collar Chains with backing


This OES Collar is Hand embroidered Collar with Silver bullion wire embroidery. Purple / Navy Blue Collar velvet borders. The silk fringe outside the collar is attached. Eastern Star emblem with a wreath on the collar. A good quality polyester fabric backing is used.

In the regal landscape of Eastern Star regalia, the Past Grand Patron OES Collar stands as a beacon of honor and distinction. This exploration delves beyond its apparent ornamental function, unraveling the multifaceted layers of symbolism, tradition, and transitions embedded within. From its rich symbolism to the transitions it signifies, the Past Grand Patron OES Collar becomes a tangible representation of leadership, wisdom, and service within the Order of the Eastern Star.

Guardianship of Legacy: The Past Grand Patron OES Collar’s Ornamental Role

The journey of the Past Grand Patron OES Collar unfolds as it assumes its role as a guardian of legacy and tradition. Adorned with symbolism, this ornate collar goes beyond its decorative function, encapsulating the rich history and values of the Order.

Transitioning from Aesthetics to Tradition: Symbolism in Every Thread

As we transition from the aesthetic allure of the collar to its symbolic richness, each thread and embellishment tells a tale. This transition is not just a visual journey but a deep dive into the symbolic language that resonates within the Eastern Star community.

Preserving the Sacred: A Collar’s Transition to Custodianship

The collar, through its ornamental role, transitions into a custodian of sacred traditions. This shift signifies a commitment to preserving the sanctity and principles of the Eastern Star as embodied by its past leaders.

Symbolic Resonance: The Past Grand Patron OES Collar and Its Profound Significance

Beyond its ornamental grandeur, the Past Grand Patron OES Collar undergoes a profound symbolic transition. From its intricate design to the placement of symbols, each element contributes to a visual lexicon that speaks volumes about the Eastern Star’s values.

From Metal to Meaning: The Transition of Symbols

The symbolic transition is evident as we move from perceiving the collar as a metal ornament to recognizing the profound meanings attached to each emblem. This shift is akin to decoding a visual language that speaks of honor, wisdom, and service.

Symbolism in Every Stitch: A Collar’s Transition to Wisdom

As the collar becomes a canvas for symbols, it transitions into a repository of wisdom. Each stitch is a thread of knowledge, and the collar becomes a visual narrative of the wisdom acquired through leadership and service within the Eastern Star.

Ceremonial Elevation: The Past Grand Patron OES Collar in Eastern Star Rituals

The ornate collar, with its symbolic richness, assumes a pivotal role in Eastern Star rituals. 

A Transition to Sanctity: Unveiling Ceremonial Significance

The act of unveiling the Past Grand Patron OES Collar during Eastern Star rituals is more than a presentation; it is a symbolic transition to sanctity. 

Symbolizing Leadership: The Collar in Eastern Star Leadership Transitions

The Past Grand Patron OES Collar gains added significance during transitions of leadership within the Eastern Star. As a member ascends to the prestigious role of Past Grand Patron, the collar becomes a symbol of leadership. This transition reinforces the hierarchical structure within the Order and the responsibilities that come with leadership positions.

Tradition Woven in Gold Threads: The Past Grand Patron OES Collar as a Custodian

The ornamental collar, while embracing its symbolic and ceremonial roles, transitions into a custodian of tradition within the Eastern Star.

Transitioning through Eras: The Collar as a Guardian of Legacy

The Past Grand Patron OES Collar, by preserving the symbols and traditions, carries within it the legacy of Eastern Star forebears. This transition through eras exemplifies the enduring nature of Eastern Star traditions. The collar becomes a bridge, connecting members of today with those who contributed to the Order’s rich history.

Unity in Adornment: The Past Grand Patron OES Collar as a Symbol of Eastern Star Brotherhood and Sisterhood

The Past Grand Patron OES Collar, beyond its individual symbolism, undergoes a transition into a symbol of unity among Eastern Star members. This journey emphasizes the interconnectedness of Eastern Star principles, transforming the collar into a visual representation of the shared journey and collective dedication to Eastern Star ideals.

A Shared Symbol: Transitioning from Individual to Collective Significance

The collar, by symbolizing unity, becomes a shared element that binds Brothers and Sisters in a common visual language. The collar, adorned in its regal symbolism, fosters a sense of brotherhood and sisterhood.

Tales of Gilded Brotherhood and Sisterhood: The Collar as a Custodian of Stories

As Eastern Star members wear the Past Grand Patron OES Collar, it becomes a vessel for storytelling within the Eastern Star community. Each emblem, each gilded detail becomes a narrative, a transition through time and experiences.

Beyond the Chapter: The Gilded Transition to Public Representation

As Eastern Star members step beyond the confines of the chapter, the Past Grand Patron OES Collar and its gilded emblems become external symbols of their affiliation. The collar ensures that Eastern Star regalia remains a dignified and respected emblem in public settings, underscoring the member’s commitment to representing the Order with honor and integrity.

Transitioning Between Realms: The Eastern Star Collar in Public Settings

The collar, as a symbol of Eastern Star pride, facilitates a seamless transition between the sacred and the civic aspects of a member’s life. This visible connection between the private sanctum of the chapter and the public arena reinforces the idea that Eastern Star principles are not confined to the chapter but extend to every facet of a member’s life.

Wear and Tear: The Collar as a Narrator of Eastern Star Journeys

As the Past Grand Patron OES Collar accompanies its wearer through various experiences, it accumulates wear and tear, transitioning from pristine adornment to a storyteller of Eastern Star journeys. The visible signs of use become badges of honor, illustrating the wearer’s journey within the Order.

Wear as a Badge of Honor: The Collar Narrating Eastern Star Journeys

The transition from a pristine collar to one that bears the marks of wear is a badge of honor. Each dent, scratch, or mark becomes a storyteller, narrating the wearer’s journey within the Order. 

Conclusion: The Past Grand Patron OES Collar – A Symbolic Sentinel of Eastern Star Transition

In conclusion, the Past Grand Patron OES Collar, with its ornamental, symbolic, and ceremonial roles, becomes a symbolic sentinel of Eastern Star transition. From aesthetic allure to profound symbolism, from private ceremonies to public representation, the gilded collar navigates the diverse threads of the Eastern Star journey. As a custodian of tradition and a symbol of unity, it facilitates seamless transitions, preserving the timeless legacy of the Order of the Eastern Star. The Past Grand Patron OES Collar, in its gilded magnificence, stands as an integral part of the Eastern Star narrative, embodying tradition, continuity, and transformation.

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Dark Blue / Navy Border, Purple Border


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