Officer Sash | Grand Officer


  1. High-quality grand officer sash
  2. Embroidered white moire (watered) ribbon
  3. Beautiful hand embroidered motifs
  4. Gold bullion fringe
  5. Gold metal button
SKU: LR-RCC-00510


Grand Officer Sash – Masonic Supplies

Grand Officer Sash – Hand Embroidered


  1. High quality grand officer sash
  2. Embroidered white moire (watered) ribbon
  3. Beautiful hand embroidered motifs
  4. Gold bullion fringe
  5. Gold metal button
  6. Stitched metal hook for attachment to collar
  7. Finest quality hand embroidery
  8. Excellent quality and detail
  9. Fit up to a 45″ waist
  10. Sash made from Gold ribbon 
  11. Saffron back
  12. Width of the ribbon: 110 mm
  13. Clip for attachment of jewel
  14. Finest quality Machine embroidered collar


The material used to make this masonic sash is of the highest quality. It has hand embroidered motifs on it. Our talented sewers have created a beautiful masonic sash with excellent detailing and finishing. This lovely and elegant sash will look great in any Freemason’s case.

This waist sash is adjustable in length and can fit up to a 45″ waist. This sash is made from high quality materials. Sashes for uniforms are available in a variety of colors and styles.

The Grand Officer’s Sash stands as a regal emblem within the intricate tapestry of Masonic regalia. This exploration transcends its functional purpose, delving into the layers of symbolism, tradition, and transitions embodied in this distinguished accessory. From its prominent placement on the officer’s attire to the intricate designs woven into its fabric, the Grand Officer’s Sash becomes a symbol of authority, commitment, and the journey within Freemasonry.

A Cloak of Authority: The Grand Officer’s Sash as a Symbol of Leadership

The journey of the Grand Officer’s Sash begins with its role as a symbol of leadership and authority within Masonic lodges. Worn with pride by officers holding significant positions, this sash marks a transition from a standard Masonic apron to a distinguished regalia, signifying the wearer’s commitment to leadership roles.

Transitioning with Purpose: From Apprentice to Grand Officer

As Masons progress through the various degrees, the Grand Officer’s Sash becomes a symbol of progression—a transition from the early stages of apprenticeship to the pinnacle of leadership. This intentional progression mirrors the Masonic journey, emphasizing growth, responsibility, and the embodiment of Masonic principles.

Symbolic Threads: The Fabric of Leadership Transition

The fabric of the Grand Officer’s Sash is woven with symbolic threads that represent the transition from one Masonic role to another. The intricate designs and colors embedded in the fabric tell a story of progression, evolution, and the transformative nature of assuming leadership responsibilities.

Ceremonial Elevation: The Grand Officer’s Sash in Masonic Rituals

Beyond its symbolic authority, the Grand Officer’s Sash plays a vital role in Masonic rituals. The ceremonial act of donning this distinguished accessory marks a transition within the lodge, signifying the assumption of leadership duties and responsibilities.

Unveiling Authority: A Ceremonial Transition of Prominence

The ceremonial act of placing the Grand Officer’s Sash on the officer’s attire is a transition of prominence. It elevates the wearer to a position of authority within the Masonic fraternity, signifying a commitment to uphold the principles and values of Freemasonry.

Symbolizing Leadership: The Sash as a Beacon of Masonic Values

During Masonic rituals, the Grand Officer’s Sash becomes a beacon that symbolizes the leadership qualities upheld by the wearer. This transition within the ritual space underscores the importance of leadership in guiding the lodge and its members on their Masonic journey.

Tradition Woven in Silk and Gold: The Grand Officer’s Sash as a Custodian of Legacy

The Grand Officer’s Sash transitions into a custodian of tradition, carrying forward the legacy of Masonic leadership. The silk and gold woven into its fabric represent not just ornamental elements but a tangible connection to the rich history and traditions of Freemasonry.

Transitioning through Generations: The Sash as a Guardian of Masonic Legacy

The Grand Officer’s Sash, passed down through generations, becomes a guardian of Masonic legacy. This transition emphasizes the enduring nature of Masonic traditions, with each officer donning the sash contributing to the ongoing narrative of the lodge.

Unity in Silk and Symbolism: The Grand Officer’s Sash as a Symbol of Brotherhood

Beyond its individual symbolism, the Grand Officer’s Sash undergoes a transition into a symbol of brotherhood among Masons. This journey emphasizes the interconnectedness of Masonic principles, transforming the sash into a visual representation of shared responsibility and collective dedication to Masonic ideals.

A Shared Symbol: Transitioning from Individual to Collective Significance

The Grand Officer’s Sash, by symbolizing unity, becomes a shared element that binds Brothers in a common visual language. This transition from individual symbolism to collective unity reinforces the idea that Masonic principles are not only personal but extend to the entire fraternity. The sash, resplendent in silk and symbolism, fosters a sense of brotherhood and solidarity.

Tales of Silk Brotherhood: The Sash as a Custodian of Stories

As Grand Officers don the distinguished sash, it becomes a vessel for storytelling within the Masonic community. Each mark, color, or design becomes a narrative, a transition through time and experiences. The Grand Officer’s Sash, as a custodian of these tales, becomes a transition point between personal history and the collective history of the Masonic fraternity.

Beyond the Lodge: The Transition of the Grand Officer’s Sash in Public Representations

As Masons step beyond the confines of the lodge, the Grand Officer’s Sash and its distinguished symbolism become external symbols of their affiliation. The sash ensures that the wearer represents the Craft with honor and integrity in public settings, marking a transition between the private sanctum of the lodge and the broader community.

Transitioning Between Realms: The Masonic Sash in Public Settings

The Grand Officer’s Sash, as a symbol of Masonic pride, facilitates a seamless transition between the sacred and the civic aspects of a Mason’s life. This visible connection reinforces the idea that Masonic principles are not confined to the lodge but extend to every facet of a Mason’s life, marking a symbolic transition between the private and public realms.

Wear and Tear: The Grand Officer’s Sash as a Narrator of Masonic Leadership

As the Grand Officer’s Sash accompanies its wearer through various Masonic experiences, it accumulates wear and tear, transitioning from a pristine symbol of authority to a storyteller of Masonic leadership. The visible signs of use become badges of honor, illustrating the wearer’s journey within the Craft and the challenges overcome in fulfilling leadership duties.

Wear as a Badge of Honor: The Sash Narrating Masonic Leadership Journeys

The transition from a pristine Grand Officer’s Sash to one that bears the marks of wear is a badge of honor. Each crease, fold, or sign of use becomes a storyteller, narrating the wearer’s journey within the Craft. The sash, as a custodian of these tales, becomes a transition point between personal history and the collective history of the Masonic fraternity.

Conclusion: The Grand Officer’s Sash – A Symbolic Sentinel of Masonic Leadership

In conclusion, the Grand Officer’s Sash, with its symbolic authority, ceremonial significance, and custodial role in preserving Masonic legacy, stands as a symbolic sentinel of Masonic leadership. From functionality to profound symbolism, from private ceremonies to public representation, the silk and gold threads of the sash weave through the diverse threads of the Masonic journey. As a custodian of tradition and a symbol of brotherhood, it facilitates seamless transitions, preserving the timeless legacy of Freemasonry. The Grand Officer’s Sash, in its silk and symbolism, stands as an integral part of the Masonic narrative, embodying tradition, continuity, and the transformative power of Masonic leadership.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us; our friendly customer service team is waiting to assist you.

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Additional information

Sash Direction

Left Shoulder to Right Hip, Right Shoulder to Left Hip

Sash Size

76, 78, 80, 82, 84, 86, 88, 90

Shoulder Width

10 inches / 25.5 cm, 11 inches / 28 cm


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