Masonic Royal Arch Apron Red Ribbon Emblem On Flap


  • Apron made of bleached white cotton duck cloth.
  • Size 14 inches high x 16 inches wide.
  • Red ribbon border
SKU: LR-YR1708


Masonic Royal Arch Apron Red Ribbon Emblem On Flap

Masonic Royal Arch Apron – Handmade apron


  • Apron made of bleached white cotton duck cloth.
  • Size 14 inches high x 16 inches wide.
  • Red ribbon border
  • 5/8 inch wide on apron body and flap.
  • 36 inches long tape ties on both sides to fasten.
  • Masonic Royal Arch Apron red ribbon emblem on flap
  • Nicely tailored
  • Product at your doorsteps
  • High-quality emblem products indeed


The Mason’s apron comes from the aprons worn by craftsmen that were made from the skin of an animal. Workmen wore to protect their clothes from injury and damage from the rough stones with which they worked; it also was a vessel in which to carry tools. Thus, high-quality white cotton duck cloth. The size of this masonic apron is 14 inches high x 16 inches wide. It is having 36 inches long ribbon to side tie. And It’s easily washable. It is nicely trimmed with a 5/8 inch wide green polyester grosgrain ribbon. Of course, highly experienced labor men stitched this masonic royal apron for the best results.

The Masonic Royal Arch Apron holds a position of utmost reverence in Masonic symbolism, serving as a distinctive emblem that signifies a Mason’s journey through the Royal Arch Chapter. Among the various elements that adorn this sacred apron, the Red Ribbon Emblem on the Flap stands out as a symbol of profound significance. In this comprehensive exploration, we delve into the rich symbolism of the Masonic Royal Arch Apron, focusing particularly on the meaning and importance of the Red Ribbon Emblem on the Flap.

Understanding the Masonic Royal Arch Apron

The Apron as a Symbolic Garment

In Masonic tradition, the apron is more than a piece of regalia; it is a symbolic garment that represents purity, virtue, and the Masonic journey. The Masonic Royal Arch Apron, distinct from other Masonic aprons, holds a special place in the hearts of those who have advanced to the Royal Arch Chapter.

Evolution of the Apron

The apron has evolved over centuries, reflecting the changes and progress within Masonic rituals and symbolism. From its early origins as a practical garment worn by stonemasons to protect clothing, the apron has transformed into a symbolic emblem that carries profound meanings and teachings.

The Royal Arch Chapter: A Journey of Enlightenment

Significance of the Royal Arch Chapter

The Royal Arch Chapter is a critical stage in the Masonic journey, building upon the lessons learned in the Craft Lodge. It symbolizes a deeper exploration of Masonic mysteries, encouraging members to seek further light and knowledge. The Masonic Royal Arch Apron becomes a crucial aspect of this journey, carrying with it the symbolism that guides the Mason through the various stages of enlightenment.

The Red Ribbon Emblem: A Symbol of Distinction

On the flap of the Masonic Royal Arch Apron, a prominent feature captures attention—the Red Ribbon Emblem. This distinctive element holds layers of symbolism and meaning, each contributing to the overall narrative of the Masonic journey.

Decoding the Symbolism of the Red Ribbon Emblem

The Color Red: Symbol of Zeal and Passion

The choice of the color red in the Red Ribbon Emblem is not arbitrary. In Masonic symbolism, red represents zeal, fervency, and passion. It is a color that signifies the intensity of the Masonic journey, urging members to approach their pursuits with dedication and commitment. The Red Ribbon serves as a constant reminder of the fervor with which Masons are encouraged to seek knowledge and enlightenment.

The Ribbon as a Bond of Brotherhood

Beyond its color symbolism, the ribbon itself holds a unique significance. It serves as a tangible bond of brotherhood, connecting members of the Royal Arch Chapter in a shared commitment to Masonic principles. The act of wearing the apron with the Red Ribbon becomes a visual representation of the interconnectedness of Masons on their collective journey.

Historical Perspectives: Origins and Evolution of the Red Ribbon Emblem

Historical Roots of the Red Ribbon Emblem

The inclusion of the Red Ribbon Emblem on the Masonic Royal Arch Apron has roots that extend deep into Masonic history. While precise historical records may be elusive, the symbolism associated with the color red and the use of ribbons in Masonic regalia can be traced through various Masonic texts and artifacts.

Evolution of Design

As with many Masonic symbols, the design and placement of the Red Ribbon Emblem have likely evolved over time. Also, Different jurisdictions and Chapters may have variations in the exact design, but the core symbolism remains consistent—a testament to the enduring nature of Masonic teachings.

Initiatory Significance: Red Ribbon as a Symbol of Advancement

Initiation into the Royal Arch Chapter

The wearing of the Masonic Royal Arch Apron with the Red Ribbon Emblem holds particular significance during initiation into the Royal Arch Chapter. Also, As the candidate advances through the degrees, the symbolism of the apron becomes an integral part of the ceremonial experience, imprinting upon the Mason the lessons and values associated with the Red Ribbon.

Symbolic Unveiling of Mysteries

The Red Ribbon, in this context, symbolizes the unveiling of deeper Masonic mysteries. It serves as a guide for the newly initiated, encouraging them to approach the search for knowledge with enthusiasm and a fervent desire to understand the profound truths embedded in Masonic teachings.

Philosophical Dimensions: Red Ribbon as a Metaphor for Enlightenment

Journey Towards Enlightenment

In the philosophical realms of Masonry, the Red Ribbon becomes a metaphor for the Masonic journey towards enlightenment. The color red, representing passion and zeal, aligns with the fervor with which Masons are encouraged to pursue wisdom. The ribbon, in its distinct placement on the flap, signifies a gateway to deeper understanding and the unveiling of hidden truths.

Integration of Symbolism into Daily Life

The Masonic Royal Arch Apron, adorned with the Red Ribbon Emblem, is not a symbol confined to ceremonial occasions. It becomes an integral part of a Mason’s daily life, a constant reminder of the commitment to seek light and share brotherhood. However, The integration of Masonic symbolism into daily rituals reinforces the principles of Freemasonry in both the Lodge and the world beyond.

Ceremonial Rituals: The Red Ribbon as a Ritualistic Element

Symbolic Placement in Rituals

In Masonic rituals within the Royal Arch Chapter, the Red Ribbon Emblem takes center stage. Its symbolic placement and the ceremonial rituals associated with the apron contribute to the immersive experience of the candidate. However, The act of donning the apron with the Red Ribbon becomes a ritualistic gesture, marking the participant’s readiness to embrace the teachings and mysteries of the Royal Arch.

Modern Perspectives: Contemporary Relevance of the Red Ribbon Emblem

Adaptations and Interpretations

In contemporary Masonry, the Red Ribbon Emblem on the Masonic Royal Arch Apron continues to be a potent symbol. 

Educational Initiatives

Recognizing the importance of symbolism in Masonic education, many jurisdictions actively incorporate discussions and teachings about the Red Ribbon Emblem. Also, Workshops, lectures, and educational materials delve into the historical, symbolic, and philosophical dimensions of the apron, fostering a deeper understanding among Masons.

Conclusion: A Symbolic Journey Through the Red Ribbon Emblem

In conclusion, the Red Ribbon Emblem on the flap of the Masonic Royal Arch Apron is a symbol that transcends its visual presence. It is a journey—an odyssey through Masonic teachings, history, and philosophy. However, The color red, representing zeal and passion, intertwines with the ribbon, forming a visual and symbolic tapestry that binds Masons in their shared pursuit of enlightenment.

Also, As Masons don the Royal Arch Apron with the Red Ribbon, they not only embrace a tradition that stretches back through the annals of Masonic history but also affirm their commitment to the timeless principles of Freemasonry.

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Additional information

Apron Body Material

Imitation leather, Lambskin, Satin Fabric

Apron Border Color

Dark Blue, Purple, Red, Royal Blue

Apron Border Material

Grossgrain Ribbon, Velvet Border

Apron Size

13 x 15 inches, 14 x 16 inches


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