Knights Templar Mantle


  • Cords and Knots in White
  • Metal hook and fixing at the neck
  • Available in Small, Med, Large
  • 70% polyester or 30% Cotton 
  • Mantle Colour Cream
SKU: LR-KT-4401


Knights Templar Mantle

Knights Templar – Masonic Supplies


  • Preceptors for Knights Templar of High-Quality Maroon Knights Cross on the mantle, with a Maroon, lined hood
  • Cords and Knots in White
  • Metal hook and fixing at the neck
  • Available in Small, Med, Large
  • 70% polyester or 30% Cotton 
  • Mantle Colour Cream
  • Standard Quality


The sizes available are as follows;

  • Small (45 inches)
  • Medium (48 inches)
  • Large (51 inches)
  • Extra Large (54 inches)


Preceptors mantle in cream with dark red accent for Knights Templars. Preceptors’ cross, dark red inner hood lining, and white cords are all included. The mantle comes in a range of sizes. The requirement obliged knights to wear the white mantle at all times.

They couldn’t eat or drink till they were wearing it. As a sign of martyrdom, the Templars wore a red cross on their robes. They were dying in the fight to wear the mantle, which is a tremendous honor and a sure spot in paradise.

The Knights Templar Mantle, a garment steeped in history and symbolism, stands as a testament to the chivalric order’s legacy. Beyond its utilitarian purpose, the mantle embodies the ideals of honor, courage, and brotherhood. In this exploration, we delve into the rich tapestry of the Knights Templar Mantle, unraveling its historical significance, the symbolism woven into its fabric, and the enduring legacy it imparts to contemporary Masonic traditions.

A Historical Tapestry: Origins of the Knights Templar Mantle

The Knights Templar, formed in the 12th century during the Crusades, adopted distinctive regalia that included the iconic mantle. This garment, often worn over armor, became a symbol of the order’s commitment to defending Christian pilgrims and the Holy Land.

Crusading Roots: Mantles as Practical Attire

The mantle served practical purposes during crusades, offering protection against the harsh elements and providing a recognizable uniform for Templar knights. This transition from utilitarian clothing to a symbol of the Templar identity marked the beginning of the mantle’s transformation.

Symbolic Transition: From Protection to Emblem of Honor

As the Templars evolved, so did the symbolism woven into the mantle. It transitioned from a practical piece of clothing to an emblem of honor, signifying the knight’s commitment to the Templar cause and embodying the virtues of chivalry.

Iconography of Virtue: Symbolism Woven into the Mantle

The Knights Templar Mantle is adorned with symbols that convey profound meanings, serving as a visual language that communicates the ideals and principles of the order.

The Red Cross: Symbol of Sacrifice

Prominently featured on the mantle, the red cross symbolizes the Templars’ willingness to sacrifice for their faith. This transition from a mere insignia to a symbol of selfless devotion embodies the order’s commitment to the Christian cause.

White Mantle: Purity of Purpose

The white color of the mantle symbolizes purity and the Templars’ commitment to leading virtuous lives. This symbolic transition elevates the mantle from a mere garment to a visual representation of the order’s moral code.

Embroidered Insignias: Marking Rank and Station

Elaborate embroideries on the mantle conveyed the knight’s rank and station within the order. This transition from simple embellishments to markers of hierarchical significance reinforced the structured nature of Templar society.

A Journey Through Time: The Mantle in Masonic Traditions

The influence of the Knights Templar Mantle extends beyond the medieval era, finding a place within modern Masonic traditions. Freemasonry, drawing inspiration from Templar symbolism, has incorporated the mantle into its regalia, preserving the historical and symbolic legacy.

Continuity of Tradition: Templar Mantle in Masonic Rituals

The transition of the Knights Templar Mantle from medieval times to Masonic rituals underscores its enduring significance. As Freemasonry adopted the mantle, it became a bridge connecting contemporary Masons with the chivalric ideals of the Templars.

Symbolic Threads: Templar Mantle as a Visual Narrative

In Freemasonry, the Templar Mantle becomes a visual narrative, weaving together historical echoes and contemporary symbolism. This transition from a historical artifact to a living emblem within Masonic rituals reinforces the continuity of Templar ideals.

Ritualistic Significance: The Mantle in Masonic Ceremonies

The Templar Mantle plays a central role in Masonic ceremonies, adding layers of symbolism and reverence to the rituals performed within the order.

Investiture Ceremonies: Transition of Responsibility

During investiture ceremonies, the mantle undergoes a symbolic transition, marking the investee’s assumption of Templar responsibilities. This ceremonial act elevates the mantle from a piece of regalia to a vessel of symbolic transition.

Knighthood Conferred: A Symbolic Transition to Virtue

As the Templar Mantle is conferred upon a Mason, it symbolizes the transition to a higher state of virtue and moral commitment. This symbolic act underscores the transformative journey undertaken within the Masonic order.

Unity in Symbolism: The Templar Mantle as a Symbol of Brotherhood

The Templar Mantle, beyond its individual symbolism, serves as a unifying element within the Masonic brotherhood. This journey emphasizes the interconnectedness of Masonic principles, transforming the mantle into a visual representation of the shared journey and collective dedication to Templar ideals.

A Shared Symbol: Transitioning from Individual to Collective Significance

The Templar Mantle, by symbolizing unity, becomes a shared element that binds Brothers in a common visual language. This transition from individual symbolism to collective unity reinforces the idea that Masonic principles are not only personal but extend to the entire fraternity.

Tales of Brotherhood: The Templar Mantle as a Custodian of Stories

As Masons don the Templar Mantle, it becomes a vessel for storytelling within the Masonic community. Each mark, scratch, or sign of wear becomes a narrative, a transition through time and experiences. The mantle, as a custodian of these tales, becomes a transition point between personal history and the collective history of the Masonic fraternity.

Beyond the Lodge: The Templar Mantle in Public Representation

As Masons step beyond the confines of the lodge, the Templar Mantle and its adorned symbols become external symbols of their affiliation. The mantle ensures that the legacy of the Templars remains a dignified and respected emblem in public settings, underscoring the Mason’s commitment to representing the Craft with honor and integrity.

Transitioning Between Realms: The Masonic Templar Mantle in Public Settings

The Templar Mantle, as a symbol of Masonic pride, facilitates a seamless transition between the sacred and the civic aspects of a Mason’s life. This visible connection between the private sanctum of the lodge and the public arena reinforces the idea that Masonic principles are not confined to the lodge but extend to every facet of a Mason’s life.

Wear and Tear: The Templar Mantle as a Narrator of Masonic Journeys

As the Templar Mantle accompanies its wearer through various experiences, it accumulates wear and tear, transitioning from pristine regalia to a storyteller of Masonic journeys. The visible signs of use become badges of honor, illustrating the wearer’s journey within the Craft.

Wear as a Badge of Honor: The Templar Mantle Narrating Masonic Journeys

The transition from a pristine Templar Mantle to one that bears the marks of wear is a badge of honor. Each dent, scratch, or mark becomes a storyteller, narrating the wearer’s journey within the Craft. The mantle, as a custodian of these tales, becomes a transition point between personal history and the collective history of the Masonic fraternity.

Conclusion: Knights Templar Mantle – A Symbolic Sentinel of Masonic Transition

In conclusion, the Knights Templar Mantle, with its historical roots, symbolic richness, and ritualistic significance, emerges as a symbolic sentinel of Masonic transition. From medieval crusades to modern Masonic rituals, the mantle traverses the annals of time, carrying with it the chivalric ideals of the Knights Templar. As a custodian of tradition and a symbol of brotherhood, it facilitates seamless transitions, preserving the timeless legacy of Freemasonry. The Knights Templar Mantle, in its symbolic richness, stands as an integral part of the Masonic narrative, embodying tradition, continuity, and transformation.

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