Five Miniature Jewels | Set for Members


  • Engraved hard gold plated top bars
  • Polished to a high standard
  • Excellent quality and detail
  • Stickpin fitting on the back
SKU: LR-AMJ-00508


Member’s Set of 5 Miniature Jewels

Member’s Set of 5 Miniature Jewels


  • Complete set of 5 miniature jewels for members of the Allied Masonic Degrees.
  • Hard gold plated jewels with hard enamel color on various colored grosgrain ribbons.
  • Engraved hard gold plated top bars
  • Polished to a high standard
  • Excellent quality and detail
  • Stickpin fitting on the back


A superior quality tiny set of 5 jewels by Allied Masonic Degrees (England), wonderfully fashioned on a simple metal bar with a brooch type fastening pin on the back, created and manufactured for us to our high and rigorous standards.

The 5 jewel bar is for the following degrees:-

  • St. Lawrence the Martyr
  • Knight of Constantinople
  • Grand Tilers of Solomon
  • The Red Cross of Babylon
  • The Holy Order of Grand High Priest

A newly admitted member of the Allied Masonic Degrees can instantly use the 5 jewel bar because the jewels can flip over into your breast pocket for the degrees not yet completed. It can then be used till the member has finished his year as chair and obtained District Honours. An excellent product for a new or current member to utilize for many years and then pass on to another member when no longer needed.
92.5mm bar length (will comfortably fit into a breast pocket)

Jewels fluctuate in length from the top of the bar to the bottom of the gem, ranging from 73mm (shortest) to 88mm (longest).

In the realm of Masonic regalia, the significance of the Five Miniature Jewels Set for Members transcends the ordinary. This exploration delves into the essence of these symbolic jewels, each a miniature masterpiece, collectively forming a set that represents the rich tapestry of Masonic ideals. From the compass and square to the all-seeing eye, each jewel carries its unique symbolism, embodying the principles that Freemasonry holds dear.

Unveiling the Compass: A Symbol of Moral Rectitude

Inscribed Circles of Morality

The compass, one of the jewels within the set, serves as a beacon of moral rectitude. Its inscribed circles symbolize the boundaries within which a Mason should circumscribe their desires and actions. The compass, with its sharp points, becomes a metaphor for precision and accuracy in moral conduct.

The Transition to Ethical Boundaries

As a Mason gazes upon the compass within the Five Miniature Jewels Set, there’s a subtle transition from the physical instrument to the metaphorical delineation of ethical boundaries. The jewel becomes a reminder of the Masonic journey toward self-improvement, emphasizing the importance of staying within the moral compass.

Embracing the Square: A Symbol of Virtue and Integrity

The Right Angle of Virtue

The square, another jewel in the set, stands as a symbol of virtue and integrity. Its right angles remind Masons of the importance of fairness and justice in their dealings with others. The square becomes a visual representation of the Masonic commitment to upholding principles of righteousness.

Transitioning from Geometric Precision to Ethical Rectitude

As a Mason contemplates the square within the Five Miniature Jewels Set, there’s a seamless transition from its geometric precision to the ethical rectitude it represents. The jewel serves as a constant reminder of the Masonic duty to lead a virtuous and upright life.

The All-Seeing Eye: Illuminating the Path of Enlightenment

The Watchful Gaze of Wisdom

The all-seeing eye, a jewel that gazes from the set, symbolizes the watchful gaze of wisdom. It represents the ever-present knowledge that one’s actions are observed and judged by a higher power. The jewel becomes a conduit to enlightenment, encouraging Masons to seek knowledge and strive for spiritual growth.

A Transition from Observation to Inner Illumination

As a Mason reflects upon the all-seeing eye within the Five Miniature Jewels Set, there’s a transition from the external notion of observation to the internal journey of illumination. The jewel becomes a catalyst for introspection, urging Masons to illuminate their inner selves with the light of wisdom and self-awareness.

The Acacia Sprig: A Symbol of Immortality and Renewal

The Evergreen Symbol of Immortality

The acacia sprig, delicately crafted within the set, stands as a symbol of immortality. Its evergreen nature represents the eternal aspect of the soul, conveying the Masonic belief in the continuity of life beyond the earthly realm. The jewel becomes a reminder of the enduring nature of the Masonic journey.

Transitioning from Symbolism to Personal Renewal

As a Mason contemplates the acacia sprig within the Five Miniature Jewels Set, there’s a transition from the symbolic representation of immortality to the personal concept of renewal. The jewel prompts Masons to embrace continual self-improvement, fostering a sense of spiritual renewal and growth.

The Trowel: Cementing Brotherhood and Unity

The Masonic Tool of Unity

The trowel, a practical tool transformed into a jewel within the set, symbolizes the Masonic duty of spreading the cement of brotherly love and affection. Its purpose is to unite Masons in a common bond, emphasizing the importance of harmony within the fraternity. The jewel becomes a visible representation of the Masonic commitment to unity.

Transitioning from Construction to Unity of Hearts

As a Mason reflects upon the trowel within the Five Miniature Jewels Set, there’s a transition from its literal construction role to the metaphorical unity of hearts it represents. The jewel serves as a reminder that the true work of Freemasonry is in building a unified brotherhood, cemented by shared values and mutual respect.

The Five Miniature Jewels Set: A Harmonious Ensemble

A Symphony of Symbolism

Together, the compass, square, all-seeing eye, acacia sprig, and trowel create a harmonious ensemble within the Five Miniature Jewels Set. Each jewel plays a distinct note in the symphony of Masonic symbolism, contributing to the overarching melody of moral guidance, virtue, enlightenment, immortality, and brotherly love.

Transitioning from Individual Symbols to Collective Meaning

As a Mason contemplates the set as a whole, there’s a seamless transition from interpreting individual symbols to understanding their collective meaning. The jewels, when viewed together, form cohesive narrative that guides Masons on their journey of self-discovery and service to others.

The Ritual Significance: A Transition from Symbolic Jewels to Practical Application

Incorporating Symbols into Ritual Practice

The transition from contemplation to action is crucial within Freemasonry. The symbolic jewels, when incorporated into Masonic rituals, become tools for imparting lessons and reinforcing the principles of the Craft. The transition from theoretical symbolism to practical application occurs as Masons engage in rituals that bring these jewels to life.

Practical Lessons from Symbolic Jewels

As Masons partake in rituals involving the Five Miniature Jewels Set, there’s a practical transition wherein the symbolic lessons conveyed by each jewel are applied to daily life. The compass guides ethical decision-making, the square ensures fairness, the all-seeing eye inspires wisdom, the acacia sprig encourages renewal, and the trowel fosters unity.

Conclusion: The Five Miniature Jewels Set – A Microcosm of Masonic Wisdom

In conclusion, the Five Miniature Jewels Set for Members transcends its physical form to become a microcosm of Masonic wisdom. From the compass and square to the all-seeing eye, acacia sprig, and trowel, each jewel represents a facet of the Masonic journey. As Masons transition from the contemplation of symbolism to the application of practical lessons, the set becomes a guide, illuminating the path toward moral rectitude, virtue, enlightenment, immortality, and brotherly love. The Five Miniature Jewels Set stands not only as an adornment but as a repository of timeless Masonic principles, fostering a transformative journey within the Craft.

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